Bethel Assemblies India is a unit of Bethel Ministries. We have 12 branches churches around villages in TamilNadu.
Rev Dr N Durairaj D.D.,
He is involved in social, spiritual activities among the youths and adults. He is a life member of the Madras YMCA Esplanade Branch and active management committee member.
Dr Florence Durairaj
She is involved in children's ministries in churches, counselling children and women in various churches and in organisations.
Dr C R Rene Robin & Dr Doreen Robin
They are active members of church and also leads church praise and worship service.
Every sunday
Timing: 8.00am-10.30am
We are a community of believers that are very passionate about the things of God.
Every saturday
Timing: 2.00pm-3.00pm
Every Saturday we have Sunday School for kids between 2pm and 3 pm. Join us and stay blessed.
Every saturday
Timing: 3.00pm-4.00pm
Youth Meeting for young adults between 3pm and 4 pm. Join with us and be a blessing to others.
Every wednesday
Timing: 7.00pm-8.30pm
We have cottage prayer every wednesday. Join with us to pray for others and stay blessed.
Every Thursday
Timing: 7.00pm-8.30pm
Every thursday women of our church gather at our church to pray for every needs. Join with us and stay blessed.
Every sunday
Timing: 7.00pm-8.30pm
Every Sunday beleivers of our church gather and learn about God's word with passion. Join with us and stay blessed.
Sent your prayer requests here